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Why Should You Be Hired For This Internship

06 Jul 2020


Hired For This Internship

Why Should You Be Hired For This Internship

An Internship is a short-term employment opportunity provided by an employer to the students or job seekers. Internships are one of the best ways to learn the practical aspect of any profession as they help to bridge between university learning and practical application in the real world. Students get an opportunity to exposed to the work cultures of organizations and their challenges in solving the real business problem. Internships might be paid or unpaid depend on the policies of the organization and the duration might last for one to three months. With numbers of students graduating every year getting an internship opportunity is quite challenging and competitive.

Most of the time when the students or job seekers get an interview invitation for an internship, this turned out to be their first interview and they are asked why should you be hired for this internship?

This question may seem simple while listening, yet it becomes tough when you try to answer it. Trust us; no magic can help you in responding to this question until you don't know best about yourself.

The fundamental factor on which your entire interview depends is your first impression. As people say, "First Impression Is The Last Impression." If the first impression given by you doesn't throw good vibes, then the interview can shift to a different road. Having all the information about the organization, its background, its accomplishments, future viewpoint, and top management can help you in making the first impression right.

For what reason should you be enlisted for this entry level position is the question which, whenever answered correctly, can give you a splendid opportunity, although you are not a topper. But, if you mess up in answering this question, then even brilliant students fail to get the chance.

Before responding to the question you should know its significance. This question holds the ability to decide that you will be chosen or not. The following are a few tips that you can use to give a proper answer to this particular question.

Best Tips to Answer "Why should you be hired for this internship?"

Tips are something that can genuinely help you in dealing with the situation. Yet, creating your own and unique strategies before going for a first interview can bring you something great.  Your response to this question is an extremely significant part of your application and ensure you don't commit the following 3  mistakes that most candidates who don't get selected do.

  1. Copying an answer from the internet – Answer to this particular question relies upon the internship you are applying for and your profile, and even Google cannot answer this for you. Also, the copied answer is easy to spot (if you can Google this specific question, the employer can likewise Google your answer).
  2. Giving the same answer as other candidates – This is not a significant crime as long as the appropriate response is well thought and justified. But, every internship and each organization are one of a kind, and a touch of customization would assist you with making secure about an interview.  So, the same answer for two altogether different types of internship ( for example, one Management, and other Technical) won't work.
  3. Improper Communication – Answers with poor sentence structure, lack of confidence, and punctuation are sure indications of somebody who either has poor communicational skills or is not serious about the internship.

Important Tip

 A smart answer ought to show for what reason you are keen on this internship with this organization and your capacity to accomplish the work. For example, what skills or past certifications you have that can convince the organization that you can do the job.

  • Work Experience not properly highlighted – Most organizations, while choosing interns, incline towards interns with experience/example of similar work. Say somebody having built up a website for school fest and applying to a Web Development internship.

You have to show the employers what you bring to the table. Most organizations lean towards interns with past examples of similar work in the zone of the internship. The more internship experience you have added to your belt, the easier it becomes to crack the interview.

Numerous students overlook this segment, and miss out on the internship, ensure you are not one among them.

  • A powerless profile – If, even after following all the referenced points, you, despite everything, didn't get notification from the organization, then the most probable reason is that your profile didn't stand apart among the competition and there are better candidates. There are many things that you could do to fortify your profile, for example, undergoing training regarding the matter, taking up any online courses, going to events/workshops, and so forth.; we recommend you do that. The best way to beat the challenge is to turn out to be superior to them.

Important Tip

Don't be content with merely finishing some training/courses. You have to show the company that you have utilized the knowledge practically. Take, for instance, somebody running a blog, or making an application/website in the college.

Tip 3

End your answer by telling your qualities and accomplishments in the specific field.

To make your answer more impressive and effective, try including the accompanying things:

  • Technical and Software skills
  • Education/Training/Certification
  • Key achievements
  • Training experience
  • Projects are undertaken and the knowledge gained from them

So now you know that the reason why your internship application(s) might be getting ignored and rejected and what you could do to maintain a strategic distance from that in the future.

You must have researched adequately about this question and must find various solutions from each source. This accessibility of such a large number of sources makes a ton of hype and ends in confusion. So, to take you out of these confusions. We have given some example answers. You can read these sample answers to get an idea and optimize your reply to impress the interviewer.

Here are a couple of sample answers that you can consider while responding to the question like, why should you be hired for this Internship:

Why Should You Be Hired For This Internship Possible Answer #1

I am a fresh graduate and I am still learning. But I can vouch for the fact that I am a fast learner. I am always open to learn and unlearn at the same time. Unlearning as in letting go of outdated practices and ideas and moving on to more advanced procedures. I have some fresh and raw ideas that I would like to discuss with the management here. Hiring me can be a mutually beneficial arrangement for this company and me. I don't see why I cannot be employed for this Internship.

Why Should You Be Hired For This Internship Possible Answer #2

Honestly, joining this esteemed organization will help me learn a lot. I would love to seek the guidance of experienced and learned teams that are already on board. That way, I can become a better professional in the future. Yours is a renowned brand, and being a part of this vast enterprise will strengthen my base too. That is what matters at the end of the day, a strong foundation. And I feel your company can undoubtedly help me build one. In turn, I can assure you of the utmost dedication from my side and all that I can do at my level for the betterment of this organization.

Why Should You Be Hired For This Internship Possible Answer #3

I would want to learn all the nuances of the business during my tenure here if at all I get hired. I have always been in awe of the CEO, and this is actually my dream company. You guys are into corporate social responsibility and are actively involved with a few NGOs, I believe. I saw this on your official website. This is where we strike the same chord, as I am a social worker and an active volunteer with several NGOs. So, you may hire me as you can get the best out of me while I get to learn the best from your company too.

Why Should You Be Hired For This Internship Possible Answer #4

I was really looking out to work in your company for the past few years. And for now, finally, I have got a chance. I could prove my passion if I get an opportunity to work with the employees of your company. I can put me every strength and effort to learn & support the company to make it better. I have seen portfolios of your company, and I am really impressed by the skills of the CEO. I want to work with him in person. Moreover, I am deeply impressed with your office environment, and having a chance to work with you will help me to showcase my skills.

Why Should You Be Hired For This Internship Possible Answer #5

"I tend to give my 100% to everything I get involved in, whether it is a class assignment, freelance project, or writing a story or a poem. I think I should be hired for this Internship because I got to know about this field through an elective discipline last semester. When I have my eyes on a task, I keep myself entirely focussed and away from distractions. Even my parents and my friends call me a perfectionist as my concentration on the task at hand bugs them at times, but I can't help it. It's in my nature. Apart from this, I have always imbibed honesty and straightforwardness in myself. I never hesitate to question or to seek assistance when doubts arise. These are the key traits because of which I think I am a good fit for the Internship."

Click here to read the 10 most common interview question & answers

In Conclusion

Getting selected for an internship can do great wonders not just for your self-confidence but also give you your first exposure to the working of your dream industry. Hence it bodes well to do your absolute best and be well prepared before going for the interview.

So make sure to get your work done whenever an opportunity for the corporate Internship that comes your way next. You never know that this Internship could open the doors to a long and famous career objective for you.

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