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What are good weaknesses for a job interview?

14 May 2020


Your Weaknesses

What are good weaknesses for a job interview?

To being asked about your weakness in an interview is scaring. After all, you're there to reveal to the interviewers how proficient you are, not to discuss your shortcomings.

But, "What are your weaknesses?" is an interview question commonly asked, often paired with "What are your strengths?"  So make sure to get ready for both.

A good answer to this shows that you're able to analyze your skills and self-aware critically.

It likewise reveals that you're willing to address your weakness and that you can work calmly under pressure.

Read on to discover how you can handle this tricky interview question and transform the biggest weakness into your greatest interview strength.

Why Interviewers Ask "What Is Your Biggest Weakness?"

Hiring managers generally want to determine a couple of things from asking applicants this question. They want to know your level of self-assessment and self-awareness. Employers want to see how you have enhanced or how you are working to beat your weakness. Moreover, they might be trying to weed out unqualified candidates by asking this question.

How to Answer "What Is Your Greatest Weakness?"

Be honest.

While telling your biggest weakness, adhere to truth while responding to this question. Presumably, the employer will be able to see through you if you try to lie. And, if the interviewer asks any subsequent inquiries, it might leave you floundering.

1. Be prepared

"One technique for addressing this question is to prepare for it. Think about this question ahead of time, and choose what you will share. Note down your answer, and keep on practicing.

There honestly is no alternative for figuring out your answer to this simple, yet tough question before you head into the job interview. Not down your answer on a notebook or your phone and read it louder. Make yourself comfortable with hearing yourself talk about your shortcoming. It will help you when you're in an interview room.

2.  Be short.

As you answer this question, try to be as precise as possible. This is the place where practising your answer a couple of times before an interview can help. Try to make your answer a minute or two long. You would prefer not to drag out your answer and make it a point of focus of the interview.

3. Be positive

The finest strategy in responding to this question is to share a weakness, what steps you have taken to overcome it, and where you stand now.

Make sure to deliver your words confidently. Candidates who maintain composure in the case of talking about positives or negatives show to hiring managers a capacity to deal with whatever comes their way.

We've given a couple of sample answers below to assist you in deciding the ideal approach to introduce your greatest weakness briefly.

Sample Answer 1 : What are your weaknesses?

"At the beginning of my professional career, I sometimes struggled with organizing my workflow. When tasks were served onto my plate, I tend to see each one through from start to end. What I've found helpful in utilizing project management software. With this software, I can visually see my deadlines. This has helped me a lot in prioritizing what I should first work on and even helps me perform multitasking better."

Sample Answer 2 : What are your weaknesses?

"Going to other people, for example, managers or coworkers, for help has not generally come effectively to me. I do genuinely well with independent work, and I like to take any project and make it my own. In my previous job, I was teamed with a colleague. What I felt was that they added invaluable data and indeed improved the project much than if I had done it all alone. From that point forward, I've ended up reaching out for help or even just advice frequently."

Sample Answer 3 : What are your weaknesses?

"Speaking up during conferences, meeting or in front of a people isn't extremely normal for me. I am a listener and a thinker, and I express very well on paper. In some cases, I have to think about what I need to say before speaking up. I've been dealing with inserting myself more into work discussions and focusing on what others need to say. I understand that I don't have a thought-out comment before I say anything. I do, however, consistently make a point to send an email or talk one-on-one with somebody when that is more comfortable for me, and I believe I have something to share."

Mistakes to Avoid

Source: Pinterest

1. Don't say you are perfect.

It's significant not to come across as dishonest or arrogant by saying that you don't have any weaknesses.

2. Avoid giving too many details.

"Be sure that you briefly address your biggest weakness. There is no need to go into a lot of detail. Express your weakness quickly and afterwards turn it on a positive note.

3. Keep it positive

 You may have seen that the term "weakness" isn't utilized in the sample answers. You generally need to concentrate on the positive while interviewing.

To conclude briefly, discussing your biggest weakness is an opportunity for you to showcase your skills. Use it to your potential benefit to flaunt your strengths, not your flaws.

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