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Ways to Make Yourself More Accessible to Potential Employers

01 Sep 2021


Accessible to Potential Employers

Ways to Make Yourself More Accessible to Potential Employers

A big part of finding work is making sure that as many people as possible know that you are available for it. While job forums are highly useful, it is also important that you are utilizing all of the tools at your disposal. So, if you are looking to increase your accessibility to potential employers, the following blog post is all about some of the ways in which you can do it.

Create Accounts on Relevant Websites

As well as all of the job-seeking websites out there, there are also sites in which you can apply for specific work on a freelance, self-employed or temporary basis. For example, if you are on the lookout for shipping jobs, you can click here to search for work. When you are creating these accounts, they need to be as detailed as possible and should represent you well. If there is a section where you can list your job status, you obviously need to put that you are looking for work.

Look Out for Industry Groups and Chats

When you want to be involved in a specific industry, it makes sense that you take an active involvement in their groups and chats. This could prove to be the perfect way of getting yourself ingratiated in the community and meeting people. As well as looking through all of the discussion threads out there, you also need to be proactive in posting and replying to threads. This can be a great way of demonstrating your knowledge and expertise in the field. There are often member questions on there that you could seek to answer as well.

Start a Blog

While it may feel like it is a lot of trouble to go to, starting a blog can actually prove to be enormously worthwhile. Again, there is the sense that it establishes your own voice as one that should be listened to. Of course, you need to be ready to commit to it properly and share your thoughts from time to time. You should also make sure that you get involved on social media, commenting and liking other people’s posts. Ultimately, it is the sense that you should be trying to establish something of a community here.

Go to Networking Events

While attending networking events can feel somewhat daunting, they are also invaluable in getting your name out there. While there are plenty of face-to-face events that can prove to be useful, there are also those that take place online. Due to the events of recent years, they have become increasingly common. Whatever the case, you need to make a special effort to put yourself out there and make the lasting connections that will make such a big difference in finding gainful employment. All of these techniques combined represent some of the different ways in which you can make yourself as accessible as possible to employers, ensuring that you are able to seek out work easily and effectively.

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