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Best Ways to Introduce Yourself in an Interview

02 Jun 2020


introduce yourself

Best Ways to Introduce Yourself in an Interview

Only you are the one who knows the best about yourself, still giving a good introduction in an interview is quite a daunting task. If your self-introduction part goes well, you feel quite positive, and the recruiters also get a good impression of you as an applicant. As sunrise shows the day, the right answer to how to introduce yourself in the job interview sets a positive tone for the rest of your interview. This open-ended interview question and a simple idea paved the way both for you and your interviewer.

Why do Recruiters ask Candidates Tell Me About Yourself?

When recruiters ask you to "how will you introduce yourself?" they are basically expecting a brief, but the detailed profile that will help them to get a better idea about yourself professionally and personally.

Hiring managers also ask this common interview question to judge how confident and articulate candidates are, which helps them in examining how new hires might represent to the clients, customers, and other department employees if they get hired.

As an employment seeker, knowing how to introduce yourself in a job interview," provides you with a great chance to feature your skills, experience and biggest strengths that make you the perfect applicant for the job. And as this self-introduction question is fundamental that most interviewers ask, it's also the ideal way to kick start on the right foot.

Here are a few more tips for answering how to introduce yourself in a job interview.

1. Don't Ignore Your Pitch.

The best way of answering, "tell me about yourself," is to ensure you in a nutshell, and positively explain how you're appropriate and qualified for this specific job position and why you want it. Before begin calculating your USP, spend some time reviewing the job description properly. And also do research properly about the job position, company and its employers.

By doing this, you will get an idea of what exactly the employer is seeking out in the candidate apart from educational qualifications, skills, and fit with the companies work culture.

2. Prepare a Short Script Highlighting your strengths.

The next step is to plan a script highlighting your skillset, strengths, and experience you have that make you the best fit for the job post. Make sure to follow it with the leading reasons you're applying for a particular job, focusing on the professional life motivations like the aim of building your work expertise and take on the added responsibilities. Also, keep in mind to conclude your self-introduction with a brief statement justifying why serving this specific company calls to you.

What To Avoid When Answering How To Introduce Yourself In The Interview

  1. Many applicants commit the mistake of answering this HR interview question by talking about something personal that might include their kids, family, hobbies, or sometimes weaknesses. Some of the candidates even begin narrating their life story, right beginning from the hometown to their college graduation.
  2. On the other hand, few applicants start sharing their current job problems, the problem of working from home, and many other issues like this.
  3. Some candidates simply read on their resume that may or may not include resume objective, resume headline, and resume profile summary sometimes point by point as an answer to the self-introduction question.

All the three answers discussed above can promptly push your job dreams into the trash. Recruiters identify a red flag if you answer either of the first two ways. This means that you are not taking this job post seriously or simply trying to dodge an unacceptable situation at your present role.

And if you answer this question by opting the third way, you are hitting away a chance to get selected. Interviewers read your resume before organizing a phone interview and inviting you for the face to face interview. So, they really don't expect you to just read your resume as an answer to how to introduce yourself in an interview. They, instead want to hear something that can show that you are a perfect fit for the job.

Click here to find out more about how to introduce yourself in the interview.


Make sure to practice, practice, and practice.to prepare a successful job interview introduction.

A final word on self-introduction

Be brief and specific. Avoid taking too much time in answering this question. You have only to highlight your greatest strengths and skills that make you a perfect fit for the job role. Answer by giving a few details that are significant and will ignite the interviewers in knowing more about you.

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