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How To Write a Leave Application For Office

18 Mar 2020


Leave application

How To Write a Leave Application For Office

Our life is full of ups and downs. There comes a time when everybody needs to take leave from professional work. Writing a proper leave application, that stats the reason for asking a leave is one such herculean task for some people. Nowadays, rather writing a leave letter, leave application are submitted in digital formate over email.

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It's very necessary to inform your boss about your leave. This way you do not put him or the HR person in difficulty and they can keep track of your days of absence.

Whatever may the explanation be, it’s imperative to write a leave application before taking off, for documentation purposes of making it simpler for your manger or any other higher authority or office director to understand what you are asking. In any case, taking leave without a leave application is a lot of like causing your own downfall.

An excellent formal leave application will let your supervisor understand your specific circumstance, and it will make things simple for you just as your colleagues. This applies to students too when they need to write a one-day sick leave tending to their Principal or class educator in your School. Here, right now have different application formats for you to make things simple.


Ensure your leave letter ought to be genuine, brief and to the point. Continuously attempt to maintain a strategic distance from grammatical mistakes and application ought not to sound friendly; instead, it must be written professionally.

Leave Application Important Points To Keep In Mind

If you want to write a leave application, there are some significant points your leave letter ought to incorporate.

  • Salutation
  • The subject of the application
  • Greeting
  • Request for leave
  • Date range when you will be away from school or office
  • Closing remarks
  • Signature

Leave Application Samples

1. Casual Leave Application Format for Office

Requesting a casual leave from your boss is actually a hard nut to open. However, a great application can make things smooth among you and your HR. While writing an application for office, it is critical to refer to the subject and the true purpose behind leave. The following is a format for writing a casual application to your office:-

Sender’s name and address:


Receiver’s name and address:

Subject: Application for leave from [start date] to [end date]

Respected Mr. /Mrs. [Name of the recipient] (or Sir/Madam),

Reason for Casual leave

Yours Sincerely,




Casual Leave Application Sample :

Casual Leave Application

2. Sick Leave Application for Office

We are human beings and can fall sick on a specific day, and this condition of not setting off to the workplace for work ordinarily comes with no earlier notification. Usually, it is encouraged to write a sick application letter to inform your boss. In certain conditions, a medical certificate from an ensured specialist may likewise be required.

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Sender’s name and address:


Receiver’s name and address:

Subject: Sick Leave application

Dear Mr. /Mrs. [Name of the recipient] (or Sir/Madam),

Reason of sick leave

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name]


Sick Leave Application Sample :

Sick Leave Application

3. One day Leave Application for Office

You are an employee, and you have some urgent bit of work at home due to which you won’t go to your office the next day. In such a case, a casual application can be written tending to the HR group of your office. A one-day application format is written here for your reference:-

Sender’s name and address:


Receiver’s name and address:

Subject: Application for one day leave Respected Mr. /Mrs. [Name of the recipient] (or Sir/Madam),

Reason of One day leave

Yours Sincerely,



One Day Leave Application Sample :

One Day Leave Application

4. Half-day Leave Application for Office

For example, you are an employee, and you have some urgent work at home because of which you will be available at the office either for the first half or second half. In such a case, a half-day leave application can be written addressing the HR team of your office. A sample application format is written here for your reference:-

Sender’s name and address:


Receiver’s name and address:

Subject: Application for half-day leave

Respected Mr. /Mrs. [Name of the recipient] (or Sir/Madam),

Reason of half-day leave

Yours Sincerely,



Half Day Leave Application Sample :

Half Day Leave Application

5. Vacation Leave Application for work

If a representative requires a vacation, it is a smart thought to request the time off in writing. The vacation request letter will exhibit the representative’s demonstrable skill just as appropriately written documents when the vacation request was made and what dates the application will incorporate.

Employee’s Name

Employee’s Address


The manager or HR person’s Name


Company’s Name

Company’s Address

Re: Request for one week vacation leave

Dear Sir/Madam,

Reason For Vacation Leave


Employee’s Signature

Employee’s Name in Print

Vacation Leave Application Sample :

Vacation Leave Application


To inform your boss and colleagues regarding your nonappearance for a specific period is necessary. The office leave letter empowers the best possible plans to be made to guarantee typical working when a working staff is on leave. In such a message, ensure that the language is obliging, the content is formal; notice the specific dates of leaving and returning. It is likewise essential to be exact about the explanation behind requesting the leave.

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