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Gender discrimination at the workplace

18 Feb 2020


Gender discrimination

Gender discrimination at the workplace

Both women and men might face any employment discrimination. New research shows that men and women both face gender discrimination if they are applying for jobs more generally connected with the opposite sex. When we talk about gender discrimination against women, it is very familiar and a matter of talk. But, how to justify when its gender discrimination against men?

What does gender discrimination against men look like? Gender bias against men can be a severe matter of concern and as varied, usually as it is against women. Any one-sided employment choices or sexually hostile workplace can be the reason for a male gender discrimination complaint. But since men are less likely to talk about their experiences, it very well may be hard to know whether what you are facing at work counts as gender discrimination against men.

What is the Definition?

Gender discrimination can take different forms in the work environment. Furthermore, the law applies to both women and men (even though females are the predominant victim). By and large, sex discrimination is the point at which an organization treats a worker differently as the individual is a man or a lady.

The terms sex and gender are used interchangeably, yet there is a notable difference in both the terms. "Sex" alludes to the person's biological personality, being male or female. "Gender" alludes to the general qualities that society sees as feminine or masculine. It means what the individual identifies as, paying little heed to what he/she is named as on the birth declaration. Regardless of what discrimination depends on, gender discrimination or sex is illegal in the work environment.

Gender and Sex Discrimination Examples

Gender Discrimination can be subtle or aggressive; not every discrimination actions are evident in the work environment. The following are some gender  and sex, discrimination examples:

  • Hiring, terminating or promoting somebody due to their sex 
  • Not employing, terminating, or promoting somebody due to their sexual orientation 
  • A female works her way up to the higher management discovers that a recently employed male director (same position and obligations) is getting paid more than she is despite equivalent capabilities 
  • A female worker gets a pay cut since she can't place in as a lot of extra time after merely having had a baby. On the other hand, a male representative decreases the additional time for personal reasons without any changes in the pay.
  • Female workers don't find good pace spouses to their health insurance since it is expected that the husband has his own health care benefits, while male representatives can include their wives.

If any of these things have transpired at work, you may have suffered sex or gender discrimination. Different types of illegal discrimination might join gender bias — for example, agedisability or race discrimination. Sexual harassment or Pregnancy discrimination are also types of gender bias under the law.

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Companies Sued for Discrimination Against Women 


Between 2010 and 2016, Microsoft Women staff filed 238 complaints with the organization's HR department. Out of 238 cases registered, 109 cases were about sexual harassment and 119 about gender discrimination.

Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC)

A former high-level female executive sued CSC who was terminated. The reason for termination was a complaint against the practice of gender discrimination and sexual harassment.

Gender Discrimination Against Men

Although it is not even close as common, discrimination against men in the working environment happens.

Ventura Corporation

A wholesaler of beauty products, Ventura Corporation, was sued by the (EECO) U.S. Equivalent Employment Opportunity Commission for discrimination against men. It happened because the company refused to hire him as the sales representative.


One of the most notable cases of gender discrimination against men was a class action suit against a California-based corporation, Lawry's.  Lawry's has a chain of operating restaurants in Las Vegas, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and Corona del Mar, CA.

Lawry's runs with a mission of hiring only female waitstaff.

Effects of Discrimination

At the point when an employee turns out to be the victim of gender discrimination against women or men, he/she will probably experience at least one of the accompanying:

  • Decrease in productivity
  • The tension between the victim and the organization 
  • Isolation from the rest of the teammates
  • Low confidence 
  • Fear, anger or frustration

Being discriminated against due to your sex is exceptionally unfair. Nobody should pass through such a threatening vibe. The law states equal treatment, equal opportunity, and equal pay for the employers.

Which government law covers gender discrimination or sex?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a government law that shields people from discrimination dependent on sex. This law makes it illegal for the company to discriminate against employees in hiring, firing and other terms and conditions. These conditions include different terms and conditions of work, for example, raises, promotions and other job opportunities for employment because of their sex.

The laws of most states likewise make it illegal to discriminate based on sex.

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What Exactly DO Gender Discrimination Law Covers?\

Title VII covers every single private employer, local and state governments, and educational institutions that employes at least 15 people. These laws additionally include public and private employment agencies, joint labor-management committees and labor organizations controlling apprenticeship and training.

Numerous states additionally make it illegal to discriminate based on sex. 

The law's protections apply to both current laborers and job applicants. If you are a present worker and are terminated, not promoted, or not accommodated because of your gender or sex, you are safe. If you are not hired on the basis of your gender or sex, you are also protected under this law.

Time To Know Your Rights

You reserve the right to:

  1. Work in a discrimination-free and safe environment

Your employer is legally necessary to provide a safe workplace that isn't "hostile" to you dependent on your gender and sexual identity.

2. Discuss or revolt against gender discrimination at work

Discuss it whether it happens with you or to another person. You can discuss discrimination that is going on at work to whoever you need. It can even include your supervisors or coworkers. You likewise also have the right to tell your boss (in a sensible way) that you accept an organization policy, practice, or director is discriminatory or engaged in discrimination.

3. Report the discriminatory policy or behavior to HR or your boss

Report to your boss, HR, or another person at your organization has the power to control gender discrimination against women. We strongly suggest submitting the report or complaint in writing (by email or letter). Make duplicate copies, so you to have evidence later on if you need it.

4. File a complaint

If you are a union member, your contract (known as the "collective bargaining agreement" or CBA) for the most part covers the "terms and conditions" of work. If you feel you are not appropriately treated or your employer isn't following the agreement, talk with your association/union rep about filing a complaint.

5. Picket or protect against discrimination

Indeed, when you get together with at least one of your collaborators to raise worries about your pay or working conditions, you're participating in what's "concerted activity," which is legitimately protected by the National Labor Relations Act.

The #MeToo Movement

In 2017 The #MeToo movement originated when sexual harassment claims were made against Hollywood head honcho Harvey Weinstein by on-screen character Ashley Judd who highlighted the issue by giving her story to significant news outlets. 

Employees in the work environment are secured by the law against sexual discrimination and are shielded from superiors who utilize their position to prey on them. The #MeToo movement helps in recognizing inappropriate behavior and reports it to the management, HR, colleagues, and associates without delay.

It's a complex and dynamic topic that is ever developing, so make a point to continue learning and finding new approaches to reduce gender discrimination in the work environment. We should empower communities to look at working ladies with respect. One without the other will resemble, leaving a glass just half full.

Have you ever faced gender discrimination at the workplace? If yes, then it is high time to come forward and raise your voice against such social injustice. Sharing your story will heal you and empower others who are going through similar situations. If you feel insecure about revealing your identity or worried about negative consequences then you can share your experience on anonymous writing platforms.

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