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Effect of Coronavirus pandemic on your job search?

04 May 2020


Coronavirus pandemic

Effect of Coronavirus pandemic on your job search?

You might be thinking whether you should send out resume or CVs to the companies, as a large number of employees are being furloughed or laid off. On the other hand, the Employed workforce has shifted to work from home as social distancing is the only weapon to fight back coronavirus pandemic. You might be wondering are companies still hiring for the foreseeable future in the time of difficulties.

No one can deny that Covid-19 will have a negative impact on the economy. Even economist has predicted a recession in the future. Still, the career experts are sailing in the boat of positivity by saying that its best to keep networking and applying, but try to change your approach to accept these uncertainties.

Danielle Beauparlant Moser, MD and executive coach with bltCareers in Asheville said, “Companies might not be hiring today, because they’re trying to figure out how to do business virtually, but they will be hiring”.

He further added, “The people who continue to relationship-build and share their ideas will be in a better position when companies start hiring.”

It is difficult to reach job seekers in the initial few weeks of the work transition due to coronavirus, as most managers and HR departments are coping up with the logistics and everyday routines of the totally remote workforce.

Kathleen Landers, executive director, SEQUENCE Counseling and Consulting Services in Silver Spring, MD, said to be prepared for job opportunities to disappear or put on hold due to global emergency. But, it doesn’t mean that recruiting will stop in the future too.  You can even now actively search for a job. The job search tips discussed in this article will guide you on how to navigate the job search process during this challenging time and go with the economic slowdown.

1. Boost Your Skills

It is the perfect time to work on your skills and qualifications. Analyze the job description properly by listing the required skills and experience. After listing the skills consider do you have the skills that a specific role requires? Ask yourself, have you used these skills recently? Answers to these questions to yourself will determine what will be your next step. Do you need to brush up your skills to make yourself a better applicant once the recruitment process begins again? For example, you are applying for a digital marketing position; the job description will require a professional who is capable of planning and executing all digital marketing, including marketing database, SEO/SEM email, display advertising and social media campaigns. Being certified in the above skills or digital marketing course certification would make your CV or resume stand out of the crowd.

2. Examine How Critical Your Search Is

Many career experts advise waiting for some time if you can manage to put your job search on hold as it could be quiet challenging to be close to recruiter’s radar at present. If you are employed currently, work on making your job more enjoyable. As many companies and sectors have and will resume being hit vigorously by the coronavirus pandemic, many sectors are still recruiting. If you really wish to need a stopgap as you are unemployed, consider looking for job opportunities that make some sense for you. Boost your morale and look for the job opportunity that puts food on the table and pays the rent for you in the meantime.

3. Use the Time to Reflect

Job searchers mainly stop at the first available job opportunity available and continue their job search without even knowing their next step. Be clear about your skills and experience, type of your work where you want to work and the job title you are looking for during this slowing job market.

Focus on dream companies you want to work for and how can you reach out to those companies. Start making a note that lists all your target industry, job titles, companies and things that in particular, you want while job seeking. Utilize your time to plan the long game as there is a lot of shifting happening right now. Be set up to consider your role more comprehensively and conceivably turn to an adjoining position that would require your experience and skills. For example, you may have been focusing on a marketing job; however, with fewer individuals’ spending money, the organization may be progressively hired to employ somebody for a communication job during this emergency.

4. Get Comfortable in Networking Online

Try to find a networking strategy as events will be cancelled for a short time. Look for something like professionals online and don’ t forget to ask about virtual events like webinars.

Search for professional groups to join on LinkedIn and Facebook. These two social platforms offer a broad scope of choices with groups for each profession. For example, in case you're searching for work in marketing, you could join LinkedIn's Global Marketing and Communications Professionals group. Participate in the discussion, post and comment and make yourself visible. Simply make sure to keep the debate professional by posting relevant articles and tolling in on topics that permit you to show your expertise. Prepare to ace a virtual interview or networking chat by rehearsing with a companion. Have your friend pose inquiries and give you input on your delivery. Ensure you know how to point the camera so the individual you're interviewing with can see your whole face, not your chin, forehead or one eye. When you've aced the technology, welcome proficient contacts to meet for a virtual coffee.

5. Gather Skills

The COVID-19 emergency can give a unique look into organization culture. Observe how leadership deals with this crisis and treats its representatives by following the organization via social media and looking for any media inclusion. For example, is the organization permitting representatives to work from home? Are they supporting employees in other creative manners? Did they lay off staff?

Set up Google alarms for the organizations you need to work for and listen to critical formal calls. Whenever you do get an opportunity to interview, you'll have the option to show that you understand the worries authority has and the threats the organization faces from this pandemic. You can refer to what you read and listened to and utilize your particular knowledge to commute home how you could enable the organization to accomplish its goals and objectives if recruited.

During this global emergency and economic slowdown, it's imperative to concentrate on what you can control—improving your skillset and connecting with your networks. You can lay the basics now, so when the emergency is over, you have opened doors and revived relationships.

Good Luck.

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