18 May 2020
Preparing for an interview might seem intimidating, but there are several things you must know before job interview to prepare yourself for a successful interview. To accomplish this, you must be wondering what should you do before job interview. Let’s look at the tips on how to prepare for an interview discussed below to ace your next interview.
Here are some of the interviewing tips you should use in an interview to end it in a good and positive note. Familiarize yourself with these interview preparation tips and you’ll be able to weave these tips seamlessly into the interview.
The company has already seen you through your resume, so you need to take out some time to research if this particular company is appropriate for you.
Before you even send your resume for the job, vet the company. Dig through the company’s website, follow them on social media, read their blog, and see what attracts you.
This will help you sense the company culture and how well you’ll be satisfied working there. It additionally lets you know what to highlight in your answers. If the company works with a charity you are also volunteering for, highlight it up during an interview. Once the hiring manager knows you’ve taken out the quality time looking into the company, they’ll see how serious you are about the particular job position.
Attentively, review the job description, and make sure to focus on exactly the things the company mentions.
If they state they want somebody with a PMP and 3+ years of experience as a project manager, ensure you address that in an interview.
Even a small explanation like "Ability to defuse and lighten tension among project team members" can become a topic of discussion, giving you the chance to talk about how you did precisely that and including an example of an important achievement and necessary skill.
Make sure to prepare before going into every interview with two to four key selling points in your mind, such as “what are your strengths”, “what makes you the best applicant for the position”. Have a proper example of each selling point prepared in advance. And be prepared to tell the hiring manager why you want that particular job including what interests you about the job, the most, what benefit it offers that you mainly find valuable, and what skills it requires that you possess. If a recruiter doesn't think you're really, really interested in the job you are interviewing for, he or she won't give you an offer – no matter how great you are!
You will get hundreds of website links when you Google "how to interview" or "common interview questions." (You might be wondering just how long those interview sessions are, as you will get many common questions in your Google search!) So how would you prepare for an interview? Pick any website and consider which interview questions you're most likely to experience, given your status and age (fresher or experienced, looking for an internship). Then prepare well your answers so you won't have to fumble for these questions during the actual interview.
Come prepared to the interview with some intelligent and sensible questions for the hiring manager that demonstrate your insight into the company as well as your genuine and serious goal. Recruiters always ask the interviewees, if you have any doubt or questions, and no matter what, make sure you have one or two ready prior. If you say, "No", an interviewer may conclude that you're least interested in the company or the job. A good question, instead is, "If you could tell what the qualities you are looking for are in an ideal candidate for this position, what would she/he be like?"
If you're having a multiple series of interviews (phone interview, HR interview) with the same company, you can use a few of your questions prepared in advance with each individual you meet. Also, try to create one or two questions during an interview itself.
It’s one of the most essential things to come prepared with a mental response to a simple question like, "Why should we hire you?" It's quite difficult to say it out loudly confidently and convincingly before a panel of interviewers. When you will answer this question, you'll sound confused and garbled no matter how clear your ideas are in your own mind! Practice it for 10 or more times, and you'll sound a lot confident, smoother and more articulate.
But make sure you should avoid practising when you're “in a live interview” with the hiring manager; rehearse before you go to the interview.
Thinking what is the best way to practice?
Get family members or two friends and practise interviewing each other in an "interview round": one person acts as the spectator and the "interviewee" gets feedback from both the interviewer and observer. Practice for four or five times, switching roles as you go. Another idea after role-playing is to record your answer and then play it on a repeat mode to see where you lack and improve them. Whatever method you choose, ensure your practice consists of speaking loudly. Rehearsing your answer of your own or in your mind won't work.
Nobody likes a complainer, so don't harp on negative experiences during a job interview. Even if the hiring manager asks you something negative like, "What courses you liked least?" or "What did you hate about your previous job?" don't answer such type of questions. Or more thing, don't answer these questions it as it's been asked. Rather, say something like, " I've observed something about all of the classes that I've liked. For example, although I found [class/subject] to be very tough, I liked the fact that [positive point about the subject/class]" or "I liked [a previous job] quite a bit, although now I know that I really want to switch job."
Knowing everything you need to know about job interview etiquette (greeting receptionist and interviewer, be on time, well dressed etc.) does not mean that you will clear a job interview and get the job. Too many job seekers try to "wing it" in job interviews and that is generally a serious mistake. Follow these seven simple tips for interview, described above, and you will find that your success in the interview will dramatically improve.
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